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wendy schalk-cooke

Wendy Schalk-Cooke

Creator, Hairstyling Educational Buzz

Red Seal Standard

Looking for comprehensive resources to enhance your hairstyling curriculum? Look no further than Hairstyling Educational Buzz! Created by Wendy Schalk-Cooke, a Red-Seal Hairstylist, licensed Esthetician, and certified teacher, with over 38 years of experience in the industry, this resource offers a wealth of tools and materials to support your teaching.


Developing resources like reviews, test questions, terminology, booklets, and more can take years to complete. Luckily, Hairstyling Educational Buzz has done all the work for you, saving you valuable time. With this resource, you'll have instant access to these materials, all of which have been developed by an expert with decades of experience in both private and public hairstyling/esthetic schools.


You can buy the entire resource package or purchase it in separate blocks that follow the Red Seal standards. With a track record of success designing facilities, course outlines, and course content for hairstyling, nail technology, and esthetics programs in three different public high schools, Wendy has also played a key role at the provincial and national levels. She has worked to improve hairstyling standards, completed provincial curriculum drafts for both the hairstyling and esthetics trades, and served as an active participant on provincial review committees.


Additionally, Wendy has contributed to the development of the interprovincial Red-Seal question bank for the hairstyling trade and has collaborated with hairstylists and estheticians across Canada through her involvement in Provincial Skills (PTC), National Skills (NTC), and World Skills (Co-Chair for the trade of Esthetics).


Wendy's expertise extends to reviewing hairstyling and esthetics textbooks for major publishers in North America. Trust in her experience and expertise to take your hairstyling curriculum to the next level with Hairstyling Educational Buzz. 

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